
Aligning Data Strategy To Strategic Business Objectives

Unlocking transformational value requires strategic alignment of data initiatives with business objectives.  Missing this step is like setting off on a journey without working out where you’re going first. Are you clear on your business objectives?  What are you doing to align your data initiative, so that it directly supports your business objectives? #StrategicAlignment #Data #Value #Success #Practical #Expert #Tips #DataValueSuccess #DataValueBytes

Data Visualisation For Actionable Insights

Data visualisation is the bridge between complex data and actionable insights.  It enables your data tell a compelling story.  If used in the right way, data visualisation can be THE difference between success and failure. What are you doing to visualise your data effectively, to uncover actionable insights? #DataVisualisation #Data #Value #Success #Practical #Expert #Tips #DataValueSuccess #DataValueBytes

Automation For Efficiency & Scalability

Automation can be a key driver for efficiency and scalability in data-driven organisations. There are often more opportunities for automation than you think – if you know where to look for them, and how to take advantage of them. What are you doing to drive automation in your business, to realise efficiencies and to support scalability? #AutomatedInsights #Automation  #Data #Value #Success #Practical #Expert #Tips #DataValueSuccess #DataValueBytes

Chat GPT AI for Enterprise Value

Chat GPT and other AI tools are revolutionising the way we interact with data and uncover hidden opportunities.  But as with any tools that use data, you need to feed the tool with high quality data, and need to make sure you’re using the tools properly to get the most out of them. How are you using Chat GPT and other AI tools to s uncover hidden business value opportunities? #DataIntelligence #ChatGPT #LLMs #opportunities #Data #Value #Success #Practical #Expert #Tips #DataValueSuccess #DataValueBytes

Effective Data Quality Management

Effective Data Quality Management is *NOT JUST ABOUT* creating lots of Data Quality metrics and tactically cleaning Data … …it’s about delivering BUSINESS VALUE by FIXING ROOT CAUSE ISSUES… …which REDUCES WASTED TIME, INCREASES SPEED and EFFECTIVENESS of DELIVERY, REDUCES ERRORS, REDUCES COMPLAINTS, REDUCES SECURITY BREACHES and MORE… …good Data Quality underpins all effective business processes and customer interactions – so getting it right really does drive SIGNIFICANT VALUE… Do you agree? Is there anything you would add? What are you doing to make sure your DATA QUALITY MANAGEMENT efforts are EFFECTIVE? #data #value #success #datavaluesuccess #dataquality #businessvalue #tips

THE METADATA MESS – Story Summary and Data Management Lesson

"THE METADATA MESS" is the fifth chapter of the book, "The Data Garden (And Other Data Allegories"). SYNOPSIS: A data detective story: following a series of complaints from customers and employees, a retail data product company hires you as a data investigator to get to the bottom of the problems. As you trace the challenges from the data shop, through the data warehouse and back to where the data’s coming from, you uncover the root causes that need to be addressed to resolve them. FIRST PARAGRAPH: “You’ve been called in to help. You’ve not taken on a job quite this big before, but it’s your area of specialism: retail troubleshooting. In other words, you’re a consultant who helps improve the performance of data shops and retail outlets.” DATA MANAGEMENT LESSON 5: Metadata management is like supply chain orchestration. You need to label and track your stock to be able to optimise logistics and meet customer expectations. Understanding what data you have and where it

Data Value - Effective Use Of Technologies

Unlocking the full potential of your data requires the effective use of technologies. Cutting-edge data technologies can be helpful, but it’s how you use the technologies you have, that makes the real difference. What are you doing, to maximise the value of your data, through the most effective use of technology? #StayInnovative #technologies #datatechnologies #datatech #Data #Value #Success #Practical #Expert #Tips #DataValueSuccess #DataValueBytes